Cultivating “The Five Minds for The Future”

Cultivating “The Five Minds for The Future”

Education needs to be transformed if it is going to adequately equip our future generations for the 21st century. While the skills and knowledge traditionally taught within the educational system remain crucial, it is essential that these are coupled with the...

Philile 2005/011533/08
PBO no. 930033037
NPO no. 085 - 986

Black Beneficiary Status:
Black, SA Beneficiaries: 80%
B-BBEE SED Recognition: 100%


Tel + 27 (0)72 984 7217


245 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg
North, South Africa

Bank: First National Bank  |  Branch Code: 254 405
Acc Name: Philile Foundation
Acc Number: 62352506227