Whether you give of your resources, time or talents to The Philile Foundation, your generosity enables us to create resilient communities by means of quality educational services, skills development and social research.

You don’t always get to see the significant impact that your partnership has made on our staff, the parents and children at our Early Childhood Development centres and within the wider community. We would love to show the difference you are making through powerful, narrative insights.

These stories are a product of your partnership with us!

Follow us on our social media platforms to stay up-to-date with the amazing stories, which are unfolding as a result of your partnership with The Philile Foundation.

Philile 2005/011533/08
PBO no. 930033037
NPO no. 085 - 986

Black Beneficiary Status:
Black, SA Beneficiaries: 80%
B-BBEE SED Recognition: 100%


Tel + 27 (0)72 984 7217


245 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg
North, South Africa

Bank: First National Bank  |  Branch Code: 254 405
Acc Name: Philile Foundation
Acc Number: 62352506227