A Good Place Market

A Good Place Market

Looking for a fresh way to showcase how your organisation is making the City of Joburg a good place? Look no further. We were given the opportunity to  occupy a stand at the very first Good Place Market on the 9th of March. The ethos of this market is to host...

Philile 2005/011533/08
PBO no. 930033037
NPO no. 085 - 986

Black Beneficiary Status:
Black, SA Beneficiaries: 80%
B-BBEE SED Recognition: 100%


Tel + 27 (0)72 984 7217


245 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg
North, South Africa

Bank: First National Bank  |  Branch Code: 254 405
Acc Name: Philile Foundation
Acc Number: 62352506227